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Annual Subscription Individual ₹ 8640.00
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12 Issues / 365 days Subscribe Now

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    1. Individual OR Institution Subscription 
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  2. Subscriptions Available in: 
    1. Print 
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    3. Print + Online
  3. Subscriptions Offered
    1. Annual Subscription  
      • Available in all 3 formats - Print / Online / Print + Online 
      • Comprises of 12 issues 
      • Subscription will begin from the month of purchase. Current month’s issue will be dispatched to print subscribers and / or will be available for viewing to online subscribers 
      • Institutional subscribers will have the option to subscribe from January to December for the current and / or the following year 
    2. Single Issue
      • Available in 2 formats - print / online  
      • Current month issue will be dispatched to print subscribers and / or current month issue will be available for viewing for 30 days from the date of activation of account 
      • Moneyback offer (only for new print subscribers). The issue has to be returned by the subscriber within 30 days from the day of receipt to the editorial office   
    3. Single Case
      • Available in online format only 
      • Can be viewed for 7 days from date of activation of account 
      • For multiple case subscriptions, each case will have a validity of 7 days 
  4. Each monthly issue comprises of 6-8 judgements and their abstracts and is complete in itself 
  5. Online subscribers will only have viewing rights. Downloading / copying in any form is not permissible 
  6. Previous years issues are not available for subscription or purchase 
  7. No shipping charges for print subscriptions 
  8. Free sample copy (print and / or online) can be provided to medical college libraries on request 
  9. For Print Subscribers
    1. Change of address must be immediately communicated.  
    2. Non-receipt of any issue must be notified within a fortnight of the due date.  
    3. Please quote your subscription number (printed below the dispatch address on the envelope), in all your communications.
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How To Get Maximum
    From the Editors Desk
  • Handing Over The Baton – Welcome Dr. Shreekant Shetty, our new Editor

  • What are the changes that have happened in your journal?

  • We want you to be acquainted with both sides of the coin

  • How is this journal made?

  • How to get the maximum out of this journal

  • Is this journal the need of the hour?

  • The First Editorial


  • Publishes ‘real time judgments’ on medical negligence from higher courts
  • Every judgment is further summarized in simple, non-legal language
  • Comprehensively guides a doctor on avoiding MedLegal issues
  • Suggests practically useful ‘Do’s & Don’ts’ in day-to-day practice
  • Cases selected / analyzed solely from a doctor’s viewpoint
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