
2017 July - Note 1

Cross examination in court of an obstetrician (Uday Kant Jha & Ors. v/s Moolchand Khairati Ram Hospital & Ors.)

2012 June - Note 1

Advertisement / Signboards - Relevant provisions from Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette, and Ethics) Regulations, 2002

2011 April - Note 1

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide – Law in other countries

2010 August - Note 10

Rights of Patients - World Medical Association

2010 August - Note 9

Consumer courts granting compensation in case of doctor’s failure to provide emergency care — Need to reconsider the judgment - H. S. Bhullar, Advocate Supreme Court of India

2010 July - Note 8

Patient in labor — Legal duty of non-gynecologists to assist - R. J. Singh, Advocate, Mumbai High Court

2010 July - Note 7

Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Bill, 2010

2010 June - Note 6

Supreme Court illustrates ‘res ipsa loquitor’ with foreign cases (V. Krishan Rao v/s Nikhil Super Speciality Hospital & Anr.)

2010 June - Note 5

Post Kishan Rao case – Pressing need for legislation to protect doctors - Vishnu Joshi, Advocate, Gujarat High Court

2010 February - Note 4

Important quotes on medical negligence by foreign courts

2010 February - Note 3

Summary of the law of medical negligence by the Supreme Court (Kusum Sharma & Ors. v/s Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre & Ors.)

2010 January - Note 2

New law prohibiting gifts — Legal implications and precautions for Indian doctors - Balaji Srinivasan, Advocate, Supreme Court of India

2010 January - Note 1

Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) (Amendment) Regulations, 2009

2009 July - Note 10

Receiving a legal notice and thereafter

2009 July - Note 9

Precautions in dealing with suicide cases

2009 June - Note 8

Compensation in medical negligence – Changing legal scenario

2009 March - Note 7

Consent - Choosing among relatives of an incompetent adult patient - S. J. Chaurasia, Advocate, Supreme Court of India

2009 March - Note 6

We want you to be acquainted with both sides of the coin - Editor

2009 February - Note 5

Supreme Courts comments on medicine and negligence (Dr. Martin F. D’Souza v/s Mohd. Ishfaq)

2009 February - Note 4

Supreme Court reiterates its viewpoint on medical negligence – Nothing new (Dr. Martin F. D’Souza v/s Mohd. Ishfaq) - Aman Vachher, Advocate, Supreme Court of India

2009 January - Note 3

Statements of law by Supreme Court on medical practice (State of Punjab v/s Shiv Ram & Ors.)

2009 January - Note 2

Acceptable in medicine, indispensable to India – Female sterilization in a caesarean section - Dr. C. N. Purandare, M.D., MAO.(IRL), DGO, DFP, DOBST (IRL), FICOG, FICMCH, PGDMLS; President Elect - 2009, FOGSI

2009 January - Note 1

Separate files / Case papers for mother and baby – A healthy practice for maternity homes - Dr. Piyush Prabhat, MD (Gynecology)

2008 December - Note 8

Requisite equipment’s in operation theatre: Need to lay down minimum acceptable standards - Balaji Srinivasan, Advocate Supreme Court of India

2008 December - Note 7

Precautions in discharging a patient

2008 June - Note 6

Precautions in giving package / estimate / quotation

2008 June - Note 5

Law and precautions on dealing with organs / cysts / tumours / aspirated fluids removed from a patient’s body

2008 April - Note 4

Supreme Courts Comments on Medical Practice – Today, Evils of Modern Medicine, Adverse Effect of Law on Medicine (Samira Kohli v/s Dr. Prabha Manchanda & Anr.)

2008 April - Note 3

Summary of the Law of Consent (Samira Kohli v/s Dr. Prabha Manchanda & Anr.)

2008 April - Note 2

Liberalising Consent – Supreme Courts preference for ‘Real Consent’ over ‘Informed Consent’ (Samira Kohli v/s Dr. Prabha Manchanda & Anr.) - A. T. M. Rangaramanujam, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

2008 January - Note 1

Suggested precautions for doctors giving evidence in witness box

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  • Publishes ‘real time judgments’ on medical negligence from higher courts
  • Every judgment is further summarized in simple, non-legal language
  • Comprehensively guides a doctor on avoiding MedLegal issues
  • Suggests practically useful ‘Do’s & Don’ts’ in day-to-day practice
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